Make No Mistake
The United States As A Democracy Is Dead
And The Civil War Is Already Underway
It Started The Day After Barack Obama Was Inaugurated
Dear Reader,
After eight years under the republican administration of the judicially appointed George Bush II, the voters of the United States chose a Democrat for President of the United States. Despite this proof that, indeed, anyone born a U.S. Citizen can dream to become President, the reality of this proof was, and is, too much to bear for those who speak most outspokenly against the present administration of President Obama.
The declamation against a black, popularly elected, United States President began the instant the election results became commonly known. It began with character assassination demanding he “prove” he was a U.S citizen. Over the course of the election, some 18 months, those raising this question were answered with unassailable proof that Barack Obama was a U.S. Citizen. Yet, the fascist right-wing of the Republican Party and the Tea Party have kept this lie alive through the use of the public media outlets such as Cal Thomas, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.
Big media outlets such as the Murdoch propaganda machine, the most widely distributed and read columnist, Cal Thomas, Ann Coulter, Rick Sanchez (former Fox News reporter, whom I personally know to be a hypocrite), Rush Limbaugh, and on and on have without fail, misrepresented facts and claimed perceived circumstance to be fact, at every single opportunity.
Reader, this is how the Nazi party took control of the hearts and minds of the German people to such a degree that crimes against humanity could be excused and accommodated to the point that those crimes became so large that no individual could be held totally accountable and yet, no individual could be far enough removed from daily events that they could be fully exonerated.
Make no mistake – the Republican Party is now but a shell of its former self - occupied today by fascist with an agenda that in no way accommodates or supports the United States Constitution.
There was a time when honest U.S. Citizens could vote for the Republican candidate without fear or shame. That is no longer the case. Today they are presented with potential candidates that even the Republican pollsters say require likely Republican voters to look past and excuse the past conduct and current obvious lack of qualifications of the current candidates in order to hold true to their traditional Republican beliefs. Unfortunately, their party has left them behind and subverted its traditional beliefs and values to the goal of winning at all cost.
In decades past being a Republican meant, in general, supporting the status quo with a mind open to making some minimal adjustments in the governance of the economy's behavior and minimal invasion in the personal lives of citizens. Alternately, the Democratic party stood for major adjustments to the economy and major adjustment to the personal lives of citizens in terms of broadening their rights as understood and applied through the application of laws consistent with our Constitution.
Now the Republican Party states it's unhappiness with the rights of U.S. Citizens and demands adjustments to the Constitution that will write in stone and be enforced by the police powers of the United States their particular beliefs rather than wait for the pendulum of justice and public opinion to swing back in their favor. They “damn with faint praise” the U.S. Constitution by giving lip service to its words, yet all the while undermine its meaning and application when an interpretation by the Supreme Court of the land does not support that which they advocate.
The Republican Party has been undermined and high-jacked in much the same manner as Hitler used to take control of the German Republic by default when an outright takeover was rejected through a popular vote. The rhetoric of the official Republican Party has become nothing more than a high-profile outlet for the hatred of those who blame “those people” for “their views” and their “demands for rights” for everything that is wrong in the world in general and the United States in particular.
The Republican Party that exist today will be the Nazi party that exists tomorrow. They will not accede to the general election in 2012 in which I predict Barack Obama will be re-elected and the Democrat's take control of both houses of government.
Public personages such as Cal Thomas, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh will incite the craven to acts of violence and then act as apologists for these acts of violence by appealing to an uneducated and unhappy populace.
The forces that now own and drive the Republican Party will not be happy until their candidate, no matter how obviously unqualified is elected as their puppet, the Constitution subverted to the point that is says what they mean it to say, and the rights of those who support open and public discourse are drowned out by their media propagandists; such as Cal Thomas, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and their host of parasites feeding on the availability of public discourse now made possible through “punch a key and hear what you already believe” electronic media.
The forces that now own and drive the Republican Party will not be happy until their candidate, no matter how obviously unqualified is elected as their puppet, the Constitution subverted to the point that is says what they mean it to say, and the rights of those who support open and public discourse are drowned out by their media propagandists; such as Cal Thomas, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and their host of parasites feeding on the availability of public discourse now made possible through “punch a key and hear what you already believe” electronic media.
In the end, one of their true believers, convinced by the half-truths and smoke and mirror recounting of the facts, will assassinate the President of the United States, Barack Obama.
Mr. Thomas, Ms. Coulter and Mr. Limbaugh will express their indignation at these events but through clever turns of phrase convince citizens of the United States that this was never their intention; anymore than Rush Limbaugh arose out of the gutter slime to call Michelle Obama “uppity” but not a “nigger.”
Mr. Thomas, Ms. Coulter and Mr. Limbaugh will express their indignation at these events but through clever turns of phrase convince citizens of the United States that this was never their intention; anymore than Rush Limbaugh arose out of the gutter slime to call Michelle Obama “uppity” but not a “nigger.”
This is what they seek as the ultimate public justification for their coming take over of our government and subversion of the rights we currently enjoy.
And you, dear reader, will be left wondering what the phrase "Nacht und Nebel" really means and why there is no one left to speak for you.
And you, dear reader, will be left wondering what the phrase "Nacht und Nebel" really means and why there is no one left to speak for you.
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